Market Sectors
Formed in 1990, Neptune Sonar is now the leading company in underwater transducer technology, offering one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive range of undersea defence and commercial transducers to a range of market sectors.
Click on the headers above to discover how our products are used, together with short case studies.
Hydrographic & Oceanographic
Using the latest transducer technology Neptune Sonar is capable of producing a wide range of products for survey vessels, Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), used by hydrographic surveyors and oceanographic scientists world-wide to determine the detailed characteristics of biological and physical objects in the ocean.
Products include...
- Hydrophones
- Echo-sounder Transducers
- Side-scan Transducers
- Multibeam Arrays
- Interferometric arrays

Maritime & Harbour Security
With the ever-increasing threats to underwater security Neptune Sonar were tasked to design and produce several different multi-beam arrays for both fixed and portable installations.
The array types cover short, medium and long-range detection which is part of an advance systems to identify and track underwater threats to harbour, offshore installation platforms and vessels for both military and commercial sectors.

Neptune Sonar has manufactured equipment for the aquaculture industry since 1997, supplying several products for both aquaculture farming sites and offshore construction sites to mitigate the effects on marine mammals.
- LF, MF and HF Acoustic Deterrent Systems
- Predator Detection System
- Underwater Electrified Cage Guard Systems

Ocean Science & Environmental Monitoring
As new fast-growing marine renewables industries emerge, sonar systems have been introduced for the monitoring of man-made effects on marine life and environment at wind turbine, wave energy and tidal renewable sites world-wide.